
List of Official Documets

Attestation up to 3 dan Black Belt

I. White belt. (10 Kyp)

1) Etiquette of behavior in a gym.

2) History of Jeet Kune Do martial art.

3) General physical training.

II. White-yellow belt. (9 Kyp)

1) Steps exercise.

2) Head-on impact technique.

3) Direct kick technique.

4) Legs flexibility demonstration.

5) General physical training:

a) 20 push ups on fists;

b) 20 sit ups.

III. Yellow belt. (8 Kyp)

1) Moving in stances technique.

2) Head-on and side impact technique.

3) Direct (ap-chagi) and circular forward kick (tolle-chagi) technique.

4) Technique of performance of above stated impacts and kicks on a boxing bag.

5) General physical training:

a) 25 push ups;

b) 25 sit ups.

c) 25 squats.

IV. Yellow-green belt. (7 Kyp)

1) Technique of moving in different directions.

a) Change of stances.

b) Leaving a line of attack.

2) Defense:             

a) evasion to the left/right from direct impact;

b) Hands blocks.

3) Impacts (direct, side, upper) technique.

4) Kicks (direct (ap-chagi), circular-forward (tolle-chagi), side (ep-chagi)) technique.

5) Technique of performance of above stated impacts and kicks on a boxing bag.

6) Safe falling technique during throw demonstration.

7) General physical training:

a) 30 push ups;

b) 30 sit ups.

c) 30 squats.

V. Green belt. (6 Kyp)

1) Impacts Technique:

a) 3 direct impacts;

b) 1 side impact;

c) 1 upper impact.

2) Kicks Technique:

a) Direct kick (ap-chagi);

b) Circular – forward kick (tolle-chagi);

c) Side kick (ep-chagi);

d) Side kick with a lash over (kora-chagi);

e) Down heel kick from inside (pakuro here-chagi);

f) Down heel kick from outside (anuro nere-chagi);

3) Defense:

a) Evasion to the left/right from direct impact;

b) Evasion downwards from impacts;

c) Hand blocks from impacts and kicks.

4) Technique of performance of above stated impacts and kicks on a boxing bag.

5) Fight with shadow – 3 rounds for 3 minutes.

6) General physical training:

a) 35 push ups;

b) 35 sit ups.

c) 35 squats.

VI. Green – dark blue belt. (5 Kyp)

1) Impacts Technique:

a) 3 direct impacts;

b) 3 side impacts;

c) 1 upper impact.

2) Kicks Technique:

a) Direct kick (ap-chagi);

b) Circular – forward kick (tolle-chagi);

c) Side kick (ep-chagi);

d) Side kick with a lash over (kora-chagi);

e) Down heel kick from inside (pakuro here-chagi);

f) Down heel kick from outside (anuro nere-chagi);

g) Reversed circular kick from inside (pitora-chagi);

3) Defense from impacts and kicks.

4) Technique of performance of above stated impacts and kicks on a boxing bag.

5) Release from grips using throw technique.

6) Easy  sparring in gloves 3 rounds for 3 minutes.

7) General physical training:

a) 40 push ups;

b) 40 sit ups.

c) 40 squats.

d) Pulling up – 10 times .

VII. Dark blue belt. (4 Kyp)

1) Impacts Technique:

a) 3 direct impacts;

b) 3 side impacts;

c) 3 upper impacts.

2) Kicks Technique:

a) Direct kick (ap-chagi);

b) Circular – forward kick (tolle-chagi);

c) Side kick (ep-chagi);

d) Side kick with a lash over (kora-chagi);

e) Down heel kick from inside (pakuro here-chagi);

f) Down heel kick from outside (anuro nere-chagi);

g) Reversed circular kick from inside (pitora-chagi);     

h) Direct kick with a 180 turn (titora ep-chagi).

3) Defense from impacts and kicks.

4) Technique of performance of above stated impacts and kicks on a boxing bag.

5) Throw technique demonstration.

6) Demonstration of 8 top moves JKD Wing-Chun.

7) Easy sparring in gloves 5 rounds for 3 minutes.

8) General physical training:

a) 45 push ups;

b) 45 sit ups.

c) 45 squats.

d) Pulling up – 12 times .

VIII. Blue-red belt. (3 Kyp)

1) Impacts Technique:

a) Series of two impacts;

b) Series of three impacts.

On a boxing bag.

2) Kicks Technique:

a) Direct kick (ap-chagi);

b) Circular – forward kick (tolle-chagi);

c) Side kick (ep-chagi);

d) Side kick with a lash over (kora-chagi);

e) Down heel kick from inside (pakuro here-chagi);

f) Down heel kick from outside (anuro nere-chagi);

g) Reversed circular kick from inside (pitora-chagi);     

h) Circular kick with a round turn (pandel tolle-chagi).

3) Demonstration of defense and counterattack from impacts.

4) Demonstration of JKD kickboxing technique (low-kick).

5) Demonstration of basic throw technique (pain inducing, chokes, holds).

6) Demonstration of JKD Wing-Chun 8 top and 8 bottom moves.

7) Easy sparring in gloves – 6 rounds for 3 minutes.

8) General physical training:

a) 50 push ups;

b) 50 sit ups.

c) 50 squats.

d) Pulling up – 14 times .

IX. Red belt. (2 Kyp)

1) Impacts Technique:

a) From a far distance;

b) From a middle distance;

c) From a close distance.

2) Demonstration of defense and counterattack from impacts and kicks.

3) Demonstration of JKD Thai boxing technique (elbow and knee blows).

4) Demonstration of basic throw technique (pain inducing, chokes, holds).

5) Demonstration of JKD Wing-Chun 8 top, 8 bottom and 7 cutting off moves.

6) Sparring in gloves – 7 rounds for 3 minutes.

7) General physical training:

a) 55 push ups;

b) 55 sit ups.

c) 55 squats.

d) Pulling up – 16 times .

X. Red – black belt. (1 Kyp)

1) Demonstration of JKD Wing-Chun technique:

a) 8 top moves;

b) 8 bottom moves;

c) 7 cutting off moves ;

d) 9 opening moves.

2) Demonstration of JKD Boxing technique:

a) From a far distance;

b) From a middle distance;

c) From a close distance.

3) Demonstration of throw technique in counterattacks.

4) Sparring in gloves – 8 rounds for 3 minutes.

5) General physical training:

a) 60 push ups;

b) 60 sit ups.

c) 60 squats.

d) Pulling up – 18 times .

XI. Black belt I Dan.

1) Demonstration of JKD Wing-Chun technique with throw technique.

2) Demonstration of JKD boxing with kembo on a boxing bag – 9 series of impacts.

3) Demonstration of JKD kickboxing technique:

a) From a far distance;

b) From a middle distance;

c) From a close distance.

4) Sparring in gloves – 10 rounds for 3 minutes.

5) Physical force training:

a) 70 push ups (30 of them on 5 fingers);

b) 70 sit ups;

c) 70 squats;

d) Pulling up – 20 times.

6) Crushing of objects.

XII. Black belt II Dan.

1) Demonstration of JKD Wing-Chun technique with throw technique.

2) Demonstration of JKD Thai boxing technique:

a) From a far distance;

b) From a middle distance;

c) From a close distance.

3) Demonstration of cutting-kick, cutting-down and stop-kick technique.

4) Demonstration of defense with throw technique against a knife.

5) Sparring – 12 rounds for 3 minutes.

6) Physical force training:

a) 80 push ups (30 of them on 5 fingers, 10 of them on index finger);

b) 80 sit ups;

c) 80 squats;

d) Pulling up – 22 times.

7) Crushing of objects.

XIII. Black belt III Dan.

1) Demonstration of JKD kembo technique on a boxing bag.

2) Demonstration of JKD kembo technique with the sparring-partner.

3) Demonstration of defense with throw technique against a knife and a stick.

4) Demonstration of  usage of  traditional weapon technique and defense against it.

5) Sparring in gloves – 15 rounds for 3 minutes.

6) Physical force training:

a) 100 push ups (30 of them on 5 fingers, 10 of them on index finger);

b) 100 sit ups;

c) 100 squats;

d) Pulling up – 25 times.

7) Crushing of objects (30x30x6 sm wooden board):

a) With a fist;

b) With a side of the palm;

c) With a side kick.